gosh, i sure wish my god would stop pooping on the deck.
09:34:24 - 2000-04-08

hey. so it's saturday. i wanted to sleep in this morning. but guess what? at 5 in the AM, i woke up with a terribly sore throat. tonsillitis AGAIN? hey, maybe. i freaked out, ran downstairs and did everything i thought of to get rid of a sore throat. i feel kinda hot right now and achy, but other than that, just fine, thanks.

this new creed song is very nice.

i finished "false memory" and it has become my new favorite book. i really would like to write like dean koontz but hey, can't have everything.

driver's ed felt endless yesterday. at first i didn't like mr. watson, and i was irritated by his teaching style seeming so similar to that of my clueless chemistry teacher. but he turned out to be cool. how about that. but that was yesterday, and today is saturday, so let me talk about something else.

i watched stargate this morning. mom bought a dvd player for dad at christmas, and she sent away for 5 or 6 free cds that can come with it. not bad ones either, it turns out-stepmom, stargate...eh, and some other ones i don't remember. i wish it was possible to get a dvd of every thundercats episode. what a great show. onward, cheetara!

oooh wait i hafta flip back to friday again. the competition was yesterday. *chester* and *i am* were kind of...BLECH. but *on a southern hymnsong* was great. oh yes, the flutes kicked some ass. except for this teeny tiny cluster of measures. it is so hard to play such insanely high notes and not be loud. yep, that's my excuse, LoL. i'll master it someday (maybe).

i'm outta here(c;

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford