all tired and nowhere to sleep. bummer.
15:16:57 - 2000-04-25

so here's what happened today: i nearly killed my friends a few times during driver's ed. sorry guys. i really am. i'm just not good at this whole driving thing i guess. and tomorrow i'm with that shmuck malackey who megan and crystal and caitlin all said is a total jerk. i don't know what i'll do if he is mean to me. sarah and i each have 2 hours with him. i mean...i'll get more tense and what if i do something extra bad? but at least i'll check the railroad signs, right, sarah? *wink* love you, don't hit me. please?

have you ever done something and then gone back and made it right again except, making it right again felt like the worst decision possible? yeah...'cept you KNOW that you made the moral final decision. it just feels less-than-satisfying. let it go, al...

i was very very sick on easter night. i ate bad fish at this fancy floating restaurant and i threw up about every 20 minutes for nearly 4 hours. am i the only one who thinks 11 times is too much? nuh uhhh, bet i'm not. i was so tired. didn't go to school monday. today i have 2 math assignments to do and i'm still a bit strung out from that hour of driving and there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day.

i have to buy my prom ticket tomorrow. table #17, yay. i'm not going to do anything after. at least, that's the plan so far. megan wants me to change my mind. i want me to, too. TEH.

my dog is barking at nothingness. what a cutie he is. i think i'll go hang with him. bye.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford