i'm in one of those odd, pensive moods.
19:45:33 - 2000-04-22

it's late, i'm tired.

she says: "i can hear raindrops all around me. isn't that strange?"

he pauses, says: "you're so interesting."

she thinks: can't you just answer the question?

i went to the movies yesterday and today. lots of things going on. work was hilarious today. i can't tell you about it; it's a secret.

sarah is writing some nice stories, guys. you'll find it in the bookstores someday. perhaps soon. i admire you, sarah.

megan is figuring out everything in her life. well, maybe not everything, but she's way ahead of me in the game. i admire you as well megan.

karie knows she needs a motorcycle. TEH! (c: love ya floaty.

i like edward norton. a lot.

chelsie's over. i have homework to do tomorrow. it's been raining for days, like the thousand year curse in Mannequinn 2. i'm listening to annie lennox sing "why". i need to get out of maine for a while. and not to vermont either. no, no, i've had quite my fill of that state and the people in it. i think there's purpose in earning what you make. jason sees no point. i see no relation. things make sense that way, though, i suppose.

happy easter everyone(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford