blahhhhhhhhhh!!! today SUCKS!
14:06:11 - 2000-02-09

i'm kinda down today...poo has been happening lately. i hate when it happens in clusters like this. not only do i learn about something icky, but all my friends seem to be going through bad times as well. i wish i could fix it all. i wish mocha mousse made it all better. i am eating some mocha mousse right now. it tastes good, but it's not fixing anything. poo poo to problems. i want them gone.

i did horribly in gym today. is it possible that i forgot how to forearm pass, overhead pass, and serve, all in the span of 2 days? prolly just that whole *bad day* concept again.

sarah's daddy got into an accident!!! dumb irresponsible drivers, not paying attention to where they're going and slamming into cars in front of them. grrrr! the stupidity!

awww my mom got me a necklace for valentine's day. isn't she so sweet? she said I know i'm early but the box ripped apart. it's one of those sparkly Illusion necklaces like Sarah got me for my berfday, only this one is triangularly shaped. how perdy! hehe(c:

i get to write a poem about v-day as an assignment for mrs. williams. i can't wait!!! i have been wishing for an assignment like this since forever.

why on earth am i so tired? it sucks.

i had a dream last night with like 3 different parts. greg, you lost sanity and killed some girl, or were about to. then i was in the woods hiding from the Headless Horseman. then i was in the mall near Saturday Matinee and this 30 yr old guy started flirting with me. confused and annoyed with him, i got up and walked away, saying, "i...have to ummm...go." silly me. i have dumb dreams lately. well i am going to leave now. maybe i will feel happy soon. cross your fingers for me.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford