voulez vous. hehehe, the things you come out with after listening to ABBA with a french person.
19:52:12 - 2000-04-29

i got pulled over by a cop tonight during driver's ed!!!!! it doesn't get any better than that. but, at a close 2nd was the couple getting it on in a church-related campsite we visited to see the sunset. very funny night. and i was doing a niiice job. my biggest problem is when i need to change lanes...i let off the accelerator while turning. it's not a good thing. that's not why i got pulled over though. it was a rotary in windham and malackey told me to turn at the last second, so i didn't signal and BAM, here are the flashing blue lights. the officer was very nice though, and i was more amused than scared, even though at first i was all, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," etc. i didn't get ticketed. yay! a very entertaining night, it has been.

another lovely thing- i got a new Jude song today called "love letters" and it's gorgeous and i LOVE it, daaa'ling.

on a downside, i feel a void in me. i know what it is and what i'm missing but i can't fill it so i need to deal. it's the dealing that is hard though. and the temptation to talk to a certain person, and i can't now. i hate that i need to be vague about this. i wanna talk about it but i can't because it's kind of something i don't want to talk about with people i know. gimme a good stranger, man. hehe. i'll talk your ear off all friggen night(c;

i'm driving again tomorrow morning from 9-11. this is a lotta driving i'm doing lately. whew! busy busy. and tomorrow i'm hopefully doing something with the girls. unprecedented thing for a sunday. maybe sundays will stop sucking so much this way. hmmmm! (c:

well it's been quite the night so i'm gonna shush now. oh, btw, hi travis, missed ya, mein. glad ya had a nice trip!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford