"a day in the life of a pigg-i-ly moose, a day in the life of a moose. a day in the life of a pigg-i-ly moose, a day in the life of a moose"...i wrote that song. now give me my record deal.
18:26:40 - 2000-04-28

well, since diaryland was extraordinarily uncool yesterday and didn't allow my finished, update entry to show up, i am updating you all now. i sorted everything out today. i couldn't get my driving times to my boss today because he's in NY and didn't even tell me yesterday that he'd be there. kind of not cool. my driving hours for today are rescheduled, i finally get a few with leslie! a good instructor and not flirty with my friends! woohoo! so that's sunday from 9-11. tomorrow night i drive from 5-9 with ms. sarah day, whom we all adore, most of which malackey hehe. least of which, the maine squirrel population. teh. it's getting old now though so that wasn't even funny. i'm aware of that, however, and therefor a step ahead of you.

i learned how to take on the drive thru at work today. cool. the headset's a bit annoying though, especially when you're trying to sweep floors and it likes to fall off your head. silly headset, will you ever learn?

i don't know what's going on about prom rides. everybody was cool with katie driving before, now they're not. oh well. i don't know if tupper's not cool with it, i don't even think he knows we're riding with katie. if he doesn't want to drive with katie then he can drive with leigh also. none of this even matters to me anymore. date, no date, who cares. even prom is looking less fun everyday. oh, prom...got the alterations set up yesterday. and i picked out shoes. sarah is bothered by the fact that we have the same shoes, mine simply without rhinestones. i say sarah get over it, nobody's gonna notice, babe. if they do then they have some mental issues to take care of because they will have been staring at our feet all night. *shiver*...who would do such a sick thing?

i'm glad it's friday. i'm sleeping in tomorrow. it's so odd how i am busy all the time now. i wish my boss would give me more hours. but i guess that's okay, i'd probably end up with stupid little problems resulting from it, so eh. jason called yesterday, or mom called him. something. he doesn't want to work here, there, or anywhere. e-i-e-i-o. i don't think he comprehends yet that he can't lay around in grassy amusement parks for the rest of his life if he wants to fulfill all the big plans he has. i love my brother dearly. he's just disgustingly lazy.

i'm going to go surfing now. my shirt says "surf" on it. i don't surf, though. occasionally i boogieboard but who cares about that, i'm rambling.

goodnight and have a snazzy weekend!

*blows a kiss*


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford