17:09:25 - 2001-01-19

hi all. *yours truly* is one stupid beyatch because she got home early and had forgotten to bring her key. so she waited outside in the cold for about 2 hours before her mother came home. i'm sure you don't need me to verify that it sucked ass. but i will, anyway. it sucked ass.

a lady from the office came in during the band final. people were playing their ensembles and she didn't wait for them to finish. i thought, wow, how rude of her to just walk in during a performance. then mrs. richardson said she needed to see me...gave me a note that said to call my mother ASAP. so i did, and came to find out that my grandfather had a heart attack early this morning and she didn't know how bad it was. i started crying. i also felt pretty bad about thinking the office lady was rude.

so, pepere is in intensive care right now. the doctors don't know if the problem is a single blocked artery, or multiple. mom left me here so i could warm up and clean the house a little, because the family is going to be coming by later on. memere has no idea what's going on. well, i mean, she knows that pepere had a heart attack, but she has no clue what the doctors are telling her. she just nods.

to think, i was totally looking forward to this weekend.

i realize now, how small a grip we have on the people in our lives. we assume that nothing will happen, that they're fine. really, they could leave us in a split second and we'd have no control over it. that scares the hell out of me. but at the same time, i guess i shouldn't obsess over it because it's rather morbid. no sense in living life in fear, right? right.

i think this weekend would be a marvelous time to eat a truckload of oreos. agree? well, even if you don't, it's goin' down. ha. i should write poetry or something. i will eventually. byebye.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford