dance with me, bebbe.
19:41:27 - 2001-01-28

i worked with matt for about an hour today. matt and pat. ha, they rhyme. matt started laughing and blushing because he said today was his last shift and he hasn't told ron yet. yikes!

shawnnnn, i AM going to fail astronomy. there is no doubt in my mind. although you and eric are coolbeans, i am going to have to drop the class. ms. ross is going to destroy my sanity, otherwise. i adored your version of "funk dat," it was thoroughly entertaining! love ya back.

i have so much homework to do. darn it! darn it darn it darn it. homework is poop. but me saying how poopy it is only wastes time in which i could be getting it out of the way.

i need to go shopping for some new pants. i found some combat-ish boots at filene's and the jeans i have now are way too small in th ankle to go with the boots. in fact, those jeans are pissing me off, altogether. they look like high-riders. and since i all but completely destroyed my birks, i've been having to wear my crappy work sneakers, which are white and covered with cherry dip. very unsightly. yuck.

i want some ice cream. geez. my tongue STILL hurts. this is really starting to get old. i've had enough.

i spoke to heather the other night for the first time. as in a one-on-one conversation. i like her. not only that, we are both big angelina jolie fans. kick ass.

i'm in a good mood tonight. happy and romantic and shtuff. would you like to read a poem i wrote recently? ok. i know you've been dying for more because i rarely post any. ha. a'ight, here you go:


thinking, this is magick
thinking, maybe it's a spell
wondering if it's real
then deciding, i dont care
a dream is a dream
precious and tender
savor it, caress it, love it
enjoy it all you can
before it slips through your fingers,
if it should.
so i am...
i take in the sweetness like a bee does nectar
and i've the memory to last a lifetime.
but, look -- !
the dream doesn't die,
it only changes form...
by your side, i awaken,
our legs entwined
i watch you sleeping softly
these physical pillows and things
cradling your heavenly body.
Magick, sweet Magick,
you never end.

have a pleasant sunday night, everyone(c:

much love from me to you,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford