5:26 p.m. - 2003-04-08

hey everyone!

back at home now after spending a week with ben at his school, i'm doing okay. the time drags by now that i'm not with him, i hate that. last week with him was so fun, i loved it. every minute felt well-spent and full of laughter, and i got to wake up next to him every morning. perfection.

i called up roland at oscar g's today and made an arangement to work on the weekends, at least until i get the job at garofalo's. speaking of which, i have to e-mail mrs. garofalo again. i'm bugged that employers wait now to see if the applicant will contact them again after applying. waiting to see if i'm interested, huh? well, gosh darn it, i wouldn't have applied if i wasn't.

i love underworld. i have to see them live someday, if only to hear "cowgirl." this song (listening to it now) has so much energy. i'd be a dancin' queen if i was at a concert of theirs!

mom stayed home today. she woke up with a bad cold. we tried to watch two movies, started them, but they were both insanely boring. so we gave up. now she's napping or something.

in other news, my dad is trying to get healthy! yay for my dad! he went to his doctors appointment yesterday and said he wanted off the blood pressure pills. so he bought a blood pressure checker and went on the treadmill for half an hour last night while lifting weights. woohoo!

my tongue hurts! so does the right side of my head! stop hurting, head! you, too, tongue!

i wish it was nice outside. it's all gloomy and gross. i also wish i had a puppy. a little corgie to call my own, awww! he'd be so cuuute! his name would be sheldon. heck yes.

i called jason yesterday. he's doing well, making tons of money, still working as a barback. he made $180 the other night, plus his $5/hour. craziness! i need to get a job like that. anyways, he's seeing a 26-year-old woman now. "i like older women," he commented. oh, and he got the job he'd wanted at acadia national park. yay for jason! he's going to be graduating soon.

grrr, everything is in slow motion today! ...then again, i guess it would help if i actually did something, hehe. yeah. okee, i'm off like a prom dress!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford