bein' happy!
10:35 a.m. - 2003-06-18

i miss my boyfriend so much. i miss being intimate with him - getting to just lie in bed with him at night and talk and fall asleep in his arms. i mean, we see each other most days, but for the past few, it's been after i get out of work at 9:30 and then we only have a couple of hours to chill out before it's past our bedtimes. we're so exhausted by the time he drives me back to my place. true, we could just come to my place to hang out, but it's so uncomfy here. dad's always sleeping or watching tv in the family room and that's the coziest room. basically we have no privacy when we're here. oh well. eventually we'll be living somewhere together and we won't have this issue anymore.

i have to start budgeting my money like he's doing. i like my debit card way too much. granted, i really only spend it on small food items, but it all adds up, it really does. i've been checking out apartment prices. gorham or westbrook seem like good spots to focus on. maybe falmouth, i'll have to check more on that.

jason's home for a few days. he's listening to bob marley in the kitchen(c:

i'm not sure what he and i and mom are going to do today. i hope it involves me driving at some point.

i feel really good today. i'm going to give megan and sarah a jingle later today, see what's new with them. i don't even know where sarah's working. i ought to, don'tcha think? i do.

i think i'm going to bake a cake today. or maybe a pie...i've never made a pie. it would be a good thing to learn. i'm nervous about doing the *crust* thang. luckily, mom's around all day!

by the way, i walked to work on monday and it felt so great! it was a perfect day for walking and all of the exercise made my mood change completely and i was stoked by the time i got to oscars. got new sneakers yesterday, too, so the walk will be even nicer from now on! yay!! oh, and ron gave me keys to oscars yesterday at work. i just need a register key now, so he needs to make another one. i SO have authority now. heehee. i'm funny.

okie dokie, pokies, i gotta go shower or eat some chocolate or something. byeee!

love love love,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford