always thinking, thinking, thinking
4:48 p.m. - 2005-06-22

Things are good. Making money, saving money, got my plane ticket to go home in August...yes, things are good.

Ben and I went to the movies last night to see Batman Begins. It was SO good. I can't wait to go see it again. Well, I mean...I suppose I can, and will, wait, but I'd rather not. It was that good. I'd go again right now if I had a cute boyfriend to go with me. But alas, one is still at work and the other starts work in ten minutes.

I've been dancing a lot lately. Maybe a dance class would be a good thing for me to get involved in. I wouldn't want to do it alone, though. Maybe Erika would be interested. I'd love to know how to dance...I mean, in a style other than my own.

On Sunday Ben and I went to Erika's house and invited Joe and Carolyn over for Ben's belated birthday BBQ (a.k.a. the BBBBBQ). It was a great time, actually, once we all got comfy. Didn't get to play Clue, but Erika took us on a night mini-tour of Alviso, which was awesome. Now we all want to visit the mysterious place called Drawbridge.

I miss Rex. I miss the way he'd always be frustrated with me for not knowing dogspeak, and he'd just whimper all day long. I loved him so much. And if I'd just sit next to him and wouldn't pet him, he'd start tapping me with his paw until I gave him a tummy rub or something. And the way he'd start snarling at me when we'd play tug of war with his rawhide treat, but if I'd just calmly start rubbing his nose and saying, "shhh" then he'd chill out, lie down and chew happily on his treat. And whenever I finally got up to leave for school/work/what-have-you, he'd drop his snack immediately and come after me, whimpering, tail wagging. I wish I could have brought him with me everywhere. He was the best dog ever. I don't think I'll ever stop missing him.

My dad's been kinda bugging me lately. I talked to him the other day and apparently he'd gone out the night before to some party and had gotten completely sloshed. Which raised my question, "Who's party was it?" because dad doesn't really have any friends. He keeps his own company, always has. But he was so evasive when I asked him. It was really quite annoying. And he's apparently going to start dating Diane, the really nice real estate woman I used to work for. You know, that's fine and all, my blessings to them both...but I wish I didn't have to pry this stuff out of him. I really just came out and said, "Are you dating Diane?" and he said yes. When I asked why he hadn't told me, he said, "I didn't think it was anybody's business." See, that's what bugs me. No, I guess it isn't really my business. But it's not completely separate from me, either, and it's a big thing going on in his life. Why couldn't he just be open about it all? It bothers me that my dad very obviously wants to have a close relationship with me, yet blows off these perfect opportunities to bring us closer together. C'est la vie, eh? Maybe someday things will go the way they should.

I'm not unhappy or anything, though. My life is actually pretty rockin' right now. Especially considering I haven't had sex in like ten days. I would've expected to be all bitchy by now, but I'm quite cheery. Today at work, JoEllen was talking to Christina about all us ladies at the restaurant, then she said, "And Allison's just so pleasant all the's almost annoying." I was quite flattered.

I rule.

Tons o' love,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford