if i weren't me, i'd wish i were me
5:38 p.m. - 2005-06-28

i'm in a fairly fantastic mood right now, lemme tell you!

i took monday off, which means allison here had a 2-DAY WEEKEND just like the rest of you! it ruled.

on sunday benji and i went hiking for like 3 hours in the mountains, including some picnic time. it was so beautiful. i hope we go again soon. i'd totally love to start a tradition of going hiking every weekend. i want tradition, darn it! i've always envied people who had traditions with their spouses or friends or families, like going out for drinks every tuesday night, or playing cards every friday, or having family get togethers every sunday...stuff like that.

yesterday i went to Planned Parenthood, got free medical attention (except for my donation), came back here to watch the end of Strictly Ballroom, and then erika came over. we went to Ikea and then drove back here, got coffee, and benji came home soon after the three of us chilled for a couple of hours. it was a great night. great weekend, really.

today i went to work and remembered that i like my job and the people i work with. here endeth the bitterness. for now, heehee. i think a nice long weekend away was just what i needed.

other cool tidbits:

- erika and i drove by a burnese mountain dog yesterday and it was so awesome.

- i made the boy at Starbucks laugh today.

- i'm wearing a cute yellow shirt that i got for free at work today. sure, it's an ad for some type of margarita, but it's not in-your-face and the size is just right.

- i was kind of a superhero in my dream last night. kind of.

- last night i made a double-recipe of fudge brownies with fudge frosting and shredded coconut on top. "mmm," times fifty.

- i go home for two weeks in appromixately one month.

- erika's coming over in about half an hour (c:

love love love,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford