i need more cute clothes. sorry, random thought.
9:24 p.m. - 2005-09-14

the fight to resist cesar continues! i'm doing well, though, blowing him off and such, and always have a snappy retort to all of his comments. i love that he is bothered by not being able to kiss me, touch me or even talk to me much at work. it's sort of revenge, but without the evil. i feel very...correct, if that makes any sense. like, yeah, maybe it's not the coolest of me to want to torture him so subtly like this, but on the other hand, he seriously, SERIOUSLY deserves it and needs to be put in his place for once. but enough about that poohead!

ben's sister and her boyfriend bill were here for a week recently and it was tons o' fun! it's nice when people come to visit from other states because you feel it's your duty to show them all the "cool" stuff, which, as it turns out, you yourself never took the time to check out before, because you had this or that to do. we went to sonoma one day, san francisco another, they and ben went to see a redwood forest while i was at work today, we went out to eat a ton, they bought me cute birthday presents from ikea and yeah...it was a good time.

oh, speaking of which, yeah, i'm 22 now! happy birthday to me! and ben bought lunar 2 for me! i haven't had a chance to start it yet but it's going to be SO glorious!

erika and i went to SF last night before role-playing and stopped in at the good vibrations store and picked up some toys. suffice to say, we will never again go crazy with penis envy.

what else has happened...?

ooo, so jason got the job at stinson beach near SF, which means he'll only be like an hour drive from me. HOLY CRAP! brother and sister reunited! it's awesome, i can't wait to see him.

as i type this, i'm looking over at ben and he's got like, one chapter left of harry potter and the chamber of secrets. so intense! ahhh!

a'ight, i need a shower, cuz um...these armpits? not the freshest right now. later, taters!


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford