crazy life
4:10 p.m. - 2005-10-18

so! as promised, i'm updating on everything *else* going on in my life.

i think i'm starting to get sick of my job, but i'm kinda weirded out about that because i love most of the people i work with. and yeah, i could do a part-time thing there and get another gig somewhere else. but what? as i've said before, if someone could just pay me to play with dogs all day, i'd be in heaven. but i don't see that happening anytime soon. we'll see. i think it's about time i check out craigslist again and see if there is anything interesting available.

i came home intending to clean, but here i am. i will clean, though...i swear it. i will clean the bathroom today. lol, i sound like erika. let's hope i'm more likely to do it than she usually is with her own bathroom, eh? hehe.

today i went to get coffee and sat outside on one of the empty tables. from behind me comes j.c., one of my coworkers. so we greet each other and i say he should get a coffee and chill with me for a bit. so we talk for a while, then erika joins us and we all converse for a bit ad then she heads home, leaving j.c. and i alone again. and it was really decent conversation, although he seems to be the nodding-and-smiling type when he doesn't know what i'm talking about, because his english isn't totally perfect yet. so i'm all, "i should get going so i can clean my apartment" and he's like, "oh really? we could go to a movie or play pool or get some food or something..." i politely declined, said "some other time maybe" and said goodbye. walking home, i was totally confused, asking myself, "um, wait a minute...did he just ask me out? what was that?"

it is just bizarre because not only have i been dealing with cesar (who still thinks he's got a good chance with me), but things between edgar and i are so...ambiguous. in fact, my friendship with edgar has always been strange. especially lately, now that he's put in his month notice. his last day is halloween. i guess we'll just wait to see what happens as his last shift gets nearer and nearer. i'm certainly going to miss him.

in other news, i think i'm going to kill off my dungeons and dragons character and leave monday nights to be *allison night* from now on. it's fun, and all the people i play with are awesome, but it's just not as enjoyable as i was hoping it would be. plus, it'd just be glorious to have a night to myself. i just hope joellen won't put me back on the schedule for monday nights. man, i wish they'd hire another hostess. i think i'd like to blow off my night shifts. i've been wanting to ditch friday nights for a while because generally the customers are far grumpier than on saturday nights. but now it's like, i see cesar and he talks to me, blows me a kiss or even looks at me, and i get kinda depressed. and who needs that, really?

well, gotta go, might be meeting a cute guy at the train station. wish me oodles of luck!


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford