me...striking again
5:50 p.m. - 2005-10-26

it's been kind of a funky week. on saturday night i gave cesar a 3-page letter i'd written after the talk he and i had last had. i just wrote down everything that was on my mind, told him why i acted the way that i did, apologized for having hurt him and finished with, "this is what i'm hoping for between you and i, and this is what i can offer..." and then "if after reading all of this you're stil interested in having something with me, let me know and i'll be ready to give it my best." but his phone has been broken (which is the reason i had to write a letter instead of calling him in the first place) all this time so i haven't heard from him since saturday night. this waiting is kind of the equivalent of when you've taken the SATs in high school and you've been waiting for the damned test scores for weeks. *sigh* but i'm trying to stay as patient as possible.

ben and erika are rocking my world. my cozy/sexy little family rules.

in other news, no more edgar at work :o( it's very sad for me because he was a hard worker and worked well with all those around him, but he is just a really nice guy. he gave me a monster hug on his last day, though, and promised he'll visit.

i want to take a vacation soon. like, save up some money for a few days in vancouver or colorado or...i dunno. somewhere pretty and interesting.

the days are getting colder here, and cloudy. it even sprinkled today! i kinda liked it. the change of pace is much appreciated. also, it's nice to come home and still be able to breathe upon entering my apartment because the heat is no longer unbearable.

in other news, i've become interested in the idea of going to school for massage therapy. it's a skill i've always wanted to have and it can be so profitable. let's hope this interest stays with me, unless the past 3 failed career attempts.

love love love

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford