3:17 p.m. - 2006-07-07

I'm in a great mood, people. Eating totally unhealthy banana chocolate chip loaf can do that to me, I suppose. Could be the latte. Who knows!

Sooo, last night, Ben's date with Masha went a little crazy when her drunk, nutso ex-boyfiend showed up and terrified her. Fortunately, neither Ben nor Masha were hurt. The guy ripped off the windshield wipers of my van and threw them into thwe woods, though. I was pissed last night, not about the wipers but just at that guy, for having acted like such an oaf and scaring a lot of people, my Benji included. Eff you, nutso ex-boyfriend.
And Masha, the poor thing, feels responsible and told Ben I could have any prints of her photographs that I'd like. Heh, I won't lie, there was a split second where I was like, "ooo, free?" but then I was me again. See, I was planning on buying a few of her prints anyway, because her work is so lovely. But if I take her up on her offer, she'll think I really do see her as responsible for last night's craziness. That would be neither cool nor right.

Yay, screaming children in the pool. My favorite. It's second only to being stuck on a plane with a pissed newborn. NO kids for me, thank you. It's weird, because I remember last year I kept getting what I referred to as the "baby itches." But no more. They just bug me now. Then again, I guess I knew it was only a temporary feeling back when I was like, "oooo, babies!!!" *shrug* I'm fickle, what can I say.

Dad's been doing really well lately with all of the prostate cancer consultations and x-rays. His attitude is worlds better because I think he's starting to realize that a) he's only stage one, meaning it's barely even begun, b) it's a very slow-growing cancer, and c) he's going to just have surgery to have the prostate removed and then it will almost certainly be over. I love my Dad. He can be such a tool sometimes but as he's gotten older, he's mellowed out. Could be because J and I aren't in his care anymore, hehe. Who knows. Diane's been taking such could care of him, I want to do something nice for her. She really likes wine. Maybe a nice bottle of wine and a decanter would be an appropriate gift. Yeah, I think so.

It's hard for me to be very open with her about it, but I am so, so grateful that he has her. And it's even harder to admit this, but...I think I'm happier with Diane taking care of him right now than I would be with Mom taking care of him. Is that an awful thing to say? I feel as though I'm sort of betraying Mom to feel this way, but the truth is that Diane is a very confident and outgoing person. She has completely taken responsibility for booking Dad's appointments, taking notes from what the doctors tell them, and taking care of my Dad with everything she has. Mum is an amazing person, but I think she just has so much of her own stuff to deal with that she wouldn't really be equipped to give Dad as much help as he needs. She's about 55, but is really just now starting to gain self-confidence and slowly overcome her depression. Maybe it was meant to be this way, for both their sakes. Whew. I was a rock when I started this entry and now I almost want to cry. Once again, I feel like I should be in Maine right now. But maybe they don't need me as much as I worry that they do.

Well, I think I'll read for a while. I'm so into The Mammoth Hunters that it's almost ridiculous.

Have I mentioned I hate doubles? Especially Friday doubles? Yeeeup. Oh well. Maybe if I get out in time, Ben and I can go see Pirates of the Caribbean. We'll see!


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford