i saw scooter today!
6:23 p.m. - 2006-12-18

i wish dad would take responsibility for himself. "i need to lose weight" or "gosh my skin's always dry" or "god i've had awful indigestion lately." i give him solutions to all of these things and he doesn't follow my advice. he is completely unwilling to change and i'm so sick of hearing him complain and then never do anything about it. i told him i didn't want to hear anymore complaints. he said "ok." we'll see how long that lasts.

i need to go work on my resume.

i'm kind of into this whole just-you-and-me diary, babe. it's like e-mail, but not! neat!

talked to jason last night around 10 or something. he's stressed about his job. he had to call the cops on one of his students the other day because he was getting out of control, violent. steph has apparently been commenting on jason's moodiness lately, saying he's not himself. i told him he should quit. no job is worth that and he could get a lot of great jobs with all of his experience.
i also found out last night that j has 4 resumes. four! that's how many he needs in order to cater to all areas of employement he's been involved in and plans to be involved in. brilliant! he also suggested to me that i write to kristen finney and ask her if, assuming it's no trouble, she could let me know if there are any entry-level receptionist positions available so i can get a head start on job-hunting. i'm a teensie-bit nervous about that, though, because i don't want to piss kristen off...she's been really great. maybe she won't care. am i worrying too much?
answer: always.
i had that awesome cop fantasy again last night. nice? you betcha, baby. i was a very submissive, naive young lady.

this house needs cocoa. however...it does have wine!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford