bestest friend...dreams..puppylove
08:48:21 - 1999-12-18

ah! you have come to see my dreams, have you? good for you!

okay last night's dream was very scary because it was about my mom turning crazy and killing off her children. now, in reality, there's only me and J, but in the dream she had like ten kids and jason wasn't one of them. i was tho. eeek.

so she was killing off the kids. ahhh! horrible! and what was most frightening was the point where i went into her bedroom and knelt by the bed, where she was, and she was gently combing through my hair with her hand, and i was saying, "mom, you killed them." and she was making that sound without opening her mouth, you know, like "mm hmm" in agreement. there was this serenity to her voice and that was what frightened me the most. because my next question was, "are you going to kill me too?" and she made the same sound. then we skip to another scene, with me at school in the parking lot, running from my mom who is trying to kill me. ahhh! creepy shtuff. but it is okay because in reality my mom is my best friend, she's so cool and we have great times together. i know i am very, very lucky to be so close to my mom as a teenager (or any age for that matter) because a lot of people don't have that. and after her seasonal job is done, she says she will let me play hookey from school one day and we'll just hang out somewhere all day, making up for the lost time. isn't that wonderful? that must be why i am such a good girl. so close to mom. she knows like, everything about me. i like that. well i mean i do have some private thoughts from her cuz i have a dirty mind, my actions are all clean for now. hehe. i should emphasize those 2 words, *for now.* but no matter what, i know she and i will always be close. so, i ask you all, what am i to do if my college is far away from home??? i will be calling her and e-mailing her 24/7. hell, she may even get sick of it but I DON'T CARE!!! heehee. nahm she won't get sick of me. she tells me all the time that she's stressing about me going away too. she's even thinking about getting a small doggy for company. and for all of you with mother who are cleanfreaks, you know how major the idea of your mom wanting an indoor doggy is. but it's nice, i'll have a little pocchie to come home to. aww but i got a puppylove already. he's no puppy anymore, but he's cute like one! rex, 10 years old, is such a cutie!! he's the whiniest too, but he whines in a way that makes me smile all the time. can't get annoyed, he's too darn adorable. yep, he's coolbeans!!! well here is another entry for all of you! have a MARVELOUS saturday! (c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford