the guy...dumbass...hackers...shtuff
06:40:22 - 1999-12-19

ok so i talked to him last night online and it was annoying at first cuz we were just talking about our friend GS and his i kept trying to change the subject but somehow he ended up telling me that he doesn't think he'll have a "real" relationship in HS. (he doesn't know i like him). so hey..should we hope that he really doesn't know of my crush and that he's not trying to let me down gently now? yes, we should. i said i wouoldn't get my hopes up but they're only a *little* bit up there. so that's okay. ::sigh:: where would i be if rationalization did not exist. i haven't done any of my christmas shopping yet and i have a whole 6 days. why do i do this every year?? it's not like it gets easier each year, and it's CERTAINLY not like the mall is less packed each year. oh well...i will just bring my friends with me and they will be forced to endure the torture of last minute shopping as well. ad we will all push back our urges to punch the other shoppers that bug us. you know the type- they walk slower than everybody else, they spread out and prevent you from passing them, they make sudden stops and decide they wanna turn around...::whack!:: hehe

i watched Hackers last night. does anybody else here love that movie? oh it's so gooooooooood! i mean, granted i didn't like it last night as much as i did a few years ago but it's still a great film. the evil guy looks like he's in a chinese movie where they just have an american voice and his mouth isn't moving in the same way at the same time. but he's not chinese, ya know? and everybody else's voice is normal. 'cept for the evil chick...anyhoo.

i already want my brother to go back home. he is such a lazyass!!!!!!!!!!! he's home from college for 5 1/2 weeks and he'sa get a job, right? so dad hooked him up cuz he knows people. so he can work at a bread company for $9.50/hour. but what does he say to me? "it's probably not what you's probably stock or something. they don't pay $9.50 an hour for stuff that isn't hard labor." is he a baby? i was working more than he was this summer. maybe he had more hours than i did, but all he had to do was get a tan at a waterpark. Mr. Lifeguard who never has to save any lives, just say, "don't swim too close to the edge of the wavepool, k? thanks." ooo careful jason you might hurt yourself with all that hard work!! so i'm sitting on the couch opposite from him and i'm just tryin' to make convo with him and so i say, " you know what you wanna be yet?" what does he say? well, he gets this overly cool i-know-everything-in-the-world tone in his voice and says, "i really think that's a stupid question...uh, not to say you're stupid or anything, i just think that asking that question is so pointless." i haven't talked to him, for real, in over at least 6 months. i got so pissed when he pulled that on me, i fipped out and said, "you know what, j? i dind't ask you if you liked the question or not. i asked if you know what you want to be! DO ...YOU... KNOW...WHAT...YOU...WANT...TO...BE?" so he answered no, that he didn't know, but that he was taking classes in the fields of science and computers. oi!!!

there's frost on the ground! i have a feeling this is all we will see of white on the ground for christmas. the weather dudes keep promising snow that never comes, so i will have to deal, once again, with a Brown Christmas. ugh. what a title. i oughta write a parody for White Christmas to emphasize the cheesiness of christmases in maine lately. what do you all think? cool? yeeeeea. i know.

awww my dog is sooo cute. i say that all the time don't i. well he is. ewwww okay now he's licking himself where the sun don't shine. NOT cute. definitely not.

i am still sick, now my throat is sore instead of scratchy. i think i like scratchiness better for some reason. there's a hopeless feeling you get when you swallow and it's like a big lump in your throat. ugh. could be worse i suppose.

i'm still dreamy. oooo(c: i am trying not to but c'mon...i was up till 12:30am this morning, just lying in bed trying to go to sleep so...what ELSE could i think about? heehee, no alternatives come to mind...(but that's cuz i don't want 'em there;o).

"need a lip gloss boost in your America"-Tori Amos. i like that line. silly superficial america. la la la. well i shall be off now! bu-byeee!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford