MUCH better, thank you!
17:20:54 - 2000-02-11

i'm feeling a lot better than i did last night. i'm a peach again! megan is going to buy me a peach someday to symbolize my peachiness. isn't she wonderful? heehee!

and sarah, YES, i am angry with myself for liking your silly trendy pop music. i will cure myself somehow, i will!!! i don't think i'll be able to live with myself if i...cross over. the mere thought makes me shiver, LoL.

i'm so glad that it's friday night, i don't have to worry about getting enough sleep and everything. i hate that- waking up at 6:30. i mean, i have a lot of trouble getting to sleep sometimes because there are just too many things going through my head. Megan, i thought it was you who worded it best- "no, head! shut up! i want to sleep!" or something to that effect(c;

mom + dad seem ok tonight, which is really good. i wonder how long it'll last.

i never realy talked about that movie i saw yesterday- Eyes of the Beholder. it was really brilliantly written and directed. megan, you have caused me to start looking at movies more closely. i take a special interest in the way certain scenes are shot now. i loved how, in this movie, the way they would show you the difference in locations was by looking at snow globes. and there were so many subtle clues that the audience needed to pick up on, and the metaphors and WOW. i enjoyed this movie very much and i recommend it to all of you, it was beautiful and original.

la la la...i want to see the movie It Could Happen to You. it's a great romantic movie. it was kinda spooky today, my mom was watching Donny and Marie so i started watching with her (altho they annoy me) and they had this man on who was going to recommend some great romantic films. before he said it, i was thinking in my head, It Could Happen to You. a secong later the first movie the guy mentions is It Could Happen to You. Yeehaa, i must be psychic or something! hehe(c:

hey cool there's a new thriller movie coming out- Pitch Black. HEY! my dad just offered to bring me. so long as he's cool about'll be nice! he has nice moments, you know?

i'ma go see what mom's up to. goodnight!

--blows a kiss--

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford