a perfect circle...good stuff
13:03:35 - 2000-05-18

i am eating a chicken salad pita thing right now. it is my lunch which i oh-so-smartly forgot this morning. so i had to eat poopy school food with pseudo ranch dressing. icky, as sarah would say.

i love the song "3 Libras" from A Perfect Circle. in fact, i will say it's my new favorite song. i tried to find a site last night where i can get their lyrics. i guess they're too new a band though, since none exist that i could find.

my dog is plopped out on the ground. he's so cute. he's having medical issues lately and we've all been discussing having him put to sleep. he's too old to recover even if we take him to the vet. we also don't have the money. BUT...but -- yesterday/last night, he was perkier than usual. so maybe he's getting better again and it was just a fluke sickness??? maybe maybe maybe!!! sounds good to me(c: i don't wanna cry again.

greg's at all-state today, the talented sax player that he is. so ben and i just talked the entire english period. he's such a polite guy, i really respect him. well, duh...this being the guy i was totally infatuated with earlier this year. actually i guess that isn't necessarily a given, since i was infatuated with shitstain, too, but now i have no respect for him. (hence the nickname shitstain. ;o)

greg's mad at me because i missed his concert. understandable, i can never make it. i either have too much homework to do or there's something going on here, or i forget. last night i had to work though, and so i explained to him that i was sorry i missed it and he goes, "you miss everything." that made me so sad. note to self: miss another concert and you're going to beat yourself up. physically, this time.

i like pepsi. better than coke. pepsi's sweeter. i'm definitely a sugar fan. mmm. suuuugarrrrrr.

jason comes back tonight! again! i have to get started on my research paper. i have a lot of info. whether it's 10-pages worth or not...we shall see.

mom got another job at LLBean. she likes it. she works 2nd shift, though, so i see her one hour a day, if that. we write notes faithfully to each other in the morning and afternoon.

ah well, i'ma finish my meal and get my tushy out the door to hang con mi perro adorable. like spenglish? good. i like to use it every now and then.


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford