"millions of peaches, peaches for me...."
18:32:44 - 2000-01-31

hi. don't have much to say. i got a nude pic from a friend tonight...brad pitt. my my. had to delete it right away tho cuz sometimes my folks get nosy and search my mail, and i wouldn't want them seeing that. i have no homework tonight. yeehaa. al the more time to sit up late and think about dirty stuff. but hey, i do that every night no matter what schedule i'm not. can't help it i suppose.

foo fighters and chilli peppers concert, yeehaa. my brother's going. if i can just get a ride with him, i will call it "going to the concert with jason" and mom will say it's okay. cool cool cool. and where am i gonna get the $35? well...tax returns, silly! of course! i'll be getting about $100 back.

a guy i worked with at the bake is in my gym class. his name is justin and he's a freshman. he doesn't talk much. well maybe he hates volleyball...he good at it tho. maybe i'm just seem snobby or somehting, but i don't think so. it seems pretty evident in that class that i'm a carefree kinda girl most of the time- a peach even! but hey, if he wants to not smile, he doesn't hafta i guess. i'll just have to strap him down and tickle him to tears i guess. i don't like it when people don't smile and laugh, cuz it reminds me of myself and i hate the way i am getting over being. icky!

well i need to go to sleep, seeming as though this damn town is never going to have a school cancellation. to hell with you, superintendent man! to hell! gosh i'm nice! well, g'night you wonderful people! (c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford