notes on a friday night
18:04:24 - 2000-03-10

well you know what? i think i have no choice but to buy the CD-ROM from Soundgarden- Alive in the Superunknown. i need to have the acoustic version of "Like Suicide" in my possession. i may crack otherwise. that happens to me. i am getting better tho, i used to be totally insane when it came to music. i would carry and walkman with me everywhere so i wouldn't miss my fave-song-of-the-moment. it was like a compulsive thing. i mean, i HAD to have the radio on at all times. i must sound crazy now. but like i said, i have gotten better.

sarah i'm sorry we couldn't get together today. i feel really bad about that. it would have been so fun too...but! but we will do it tomorrow(c: and you must bring your amazing vamp story. all you people reading this, sarah is an amazing writer. yep, she is going to outsell me, LoL. we will be in direct competition, girlie. watch yourself, i'll have spies around you, seeing what ideas you're coming up with for novels. alright this little joke thing went to far and it's just not funny anymore. next topic...

Nazmiye is my newest nickname. I'm daria, peach, al, muraaan, and nazmiye. there are others, i am sure. oh wait, yes, i forgot funky crazy goofy peachy coolbean.

arg, dad's coming. i hate it when dad's here. i'm going now...i don't want him to read my diary!!! catch you all later, byeeee(c;

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford