weddings are funnnnnnn
19:44:46 - 2000-06-18

i went to a wedding today!!! it was sooo beautiful, everything: the setting, everyone's outfits, the weather. katy looked really beautiful. megan, tyler and ashley were incorporated into the vows. i thought that was so cool, as did sarah and monique. stuff like, "this is the joining of two families" and all. sweet shtuff. i got a corsage and this was my first real wedding and it was great! i loved every minute of it. sarah and i both agree that ashley does not look 11 years old. if she was maybe a foot or two taller...there would be a lot of males all over her. that will definitely be an issue in a few years, i bet. she will probably fit into scarborough perfectly, megan. ha!

i had lobster and steak for dinner. yum! there was a really nice old couple at the lobster place. the man said he liked my flowers so i said thanks and started gushing about the wedding. it was really nice. that's just what he kept saying too, "that's really nice!" but not all fake-ish; he genuinely meant it. cool guy.

i'm starting to pick up on the fact that school is out. very niiice. i want to go to fort williams with all my friends one day. AND one day with my family. both would be really great. it's so gorgeous there. i admit that most places in maine that tourists like to visit are cheese. but this place is prrrrrfect, daa'lin'! meow.

it's cold in here but i like it. the weather isn't the just finished raining maybe half an hour ago. the birds are happy. i'm bored with this whole entry-writing thaaang right now. catch ya'll later.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford